I Want Emotions 

The Void that AI is creating.

AI, Robot, Emotions, reading

Image Courtesy Andrea De Santis

Suddenly someone who could barely construct a written sentence publishes an article that is perfectly organized with zero punctuation errors. Somehow some, thing seems strange. It lacks the flavour the aroma of human sentiment and feelings. It's as if the article was created without any human emotion.

The article is void of all human connections or errors and the daily lingo because AI created it. We have had writers exploring the web and, occasionally, adapted to available text, never the less one could make out the research done by the writer to express his views.

Never have we encountered such perfectly structured, matter-of-fact errorless and predictable articles. AI-produced articles may pass through as professionally written articles. However, to an avid reader, it shall exhibit the tell-tale signs of poor production, with no depth and void of any human emotions, or leaving the reader in any state of ambiguity.

They all read flat. I'm guessing probably AI was trained that way. However, it's inappropriate to accuse a writer of circumventing the creative process without proof. We know tAI is going to get better with time, indeed. At the same time, AI tools that determine the basis of predictable text and declare if AI has produced a given article are available.

The fundamental issue is with time, and we will have articles void of the human core emotions and with more matter-of-fact interpretations. Articles are not competency accomplishments. They are lives to engage with emotions and feelings that instigate that twitch with the reader giving them that ah-ha or aww moment. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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