“Incorrigible Bosses”

About Emotional pain from Abusive Supervision

No, we are not discussing anything about the movie "Horrible Bosses", or it's sequels. This one is one of the new age Control freak supervisors, that reportedly turn Abusive in all ways, verbal, action and intent, inflecting their subordinates with severe, irreparable damages to their self-respect, self-doubt and emotional stability.

This one is new and is the creation of these centuries, the mantra of specialisation. And not overall development of individuals. In these last fifty years, education's emphasis is probably the highest and even more to specialisation. Some of these specialists' brains are so hardwired to the specialisation that they pursue, that certain fundamental human emotions never get seeded. Lack of these raw human emotions leads to unacceptable charters in society, making them very venomous. But these individuals do succeed professionally, faster than their peers, this fast pace growth is another hazardous step in their lives, as real-life execution experiences are missed out. Spreadsheet understanding with hypnotical assumptions foundations are quicksand believe systems. Researches have supported these and reasons affecting these behaviours on "Abusive Supervisors",  I have leaned on some of those researches to support my statements. 

The article is indented to bring awareness and get people to understand these Abusive Supervisors' situations and impediments, and implications on reporting employees. 

As stated earlier, over the last half-century or so, the education system has focused on engineers, management graduates, and medical professionals from premier institutes to specialise in a specific stream of the chosen discipline. This focused products with excellent knowledge, specifically to their respective subject matter, for being unique found accelerated growth, with little or no execution. The rubber never hit the road.  Turning these products into Frankenstein's, larger than life and in some way different from their peers. Probably more gruesome in inflecting injuries to the human mind, emotion and maybe the soul for those who believe in that there is a soul.

Their growth is questionable, as the cases I have come across have never generated revenue for their organisations; on the contrary, have been cost centres, in the name of research and development. Their confidence and convoluted communication skills in a non-competitive environment kept their superiors in Awe of them, or the more sane ones found it pointless to state out to these well-decorated specialists that what they were doing isn't rational. These individuals not only thrived but progressed faster than the basics gestation period required for understanding and growth in a role. Not surprising that these  Monsters grew to be arrogant, self-obsessed and trigger-happy novices. Called the "Incorrigible Bosses". In their formative years, let's be mindful that these Incorrigible Bosses had compromised their Emotional growth in pursuit of achievement. Necessary team skills went missing. We all know managing children and employees is an art few have, one is being protective and the other productive. Both need clarity of thought, focus and consistency. Incorrigible Bosses' past experiences of empathy and narcissi traits played in the shadows. Leading to failure at critical, judgmental errors of decision making from a management standpoint. These Disregarded men by society, usually disillusioned by their personal goals, became guides to the mirage. In contrast, others took to a more manageable but brutal ringmaster's role.

Behaviour style typical to "Incorrigible Bosses."

The Abusive Supervision or the "Incorrigible Bosses" loved to hear their voice spreading uncomprehending knowledge to mortal subordinates. So they round up a battalion in the name of reviews, discussion, cascade, plan or a strategy meeting. At the end of which the only satisfied individual was the "Incorrigible Bosses" himself, all other team members were as clueless as two years old would be to the Pythagoras theorem.  

Management style typical to "Incorrigible Bosses."

Today's task is to hunt a rat, and the team is driven up the wall with details about the biology, physiology and how they affect society. The matter doesn't end here, and a format is so-called collaboratively created first to write the problem statement, followed by probable solution and put them up for review in 10 days. The team is obviously directionless and struggle with the format. All this while the rat right under the "Incorrigible Bosses" nose is thriving. 

A sudden realisation of the situation drives them up the wall and Panic-stricken by external forces' influence. In their adrenal rush, these Incorrigible Bosses strike, randomly choosing a week individual from the team as their target to address rat menace. All formats and defined problem statement with their probable solution go out of the window. The Assignee doesn't even know what's expected out of him. The Assignee by hook or by crook acquires the knowledge that a Mousetrap is an excellent probable solution. As the Assignee gets into action to purchase a Mousetrap, he is tying his shoelace to get a Mousetrap. The "Incorrigible Boss" has a change of heart. He delegates the assignment to a recruit. The Assignee, in case muster guts enough to seek a response as to why was there a change of work.  Very unlikely the "Incorrigible Bosses" would care to respond, and God forbid it does, the response would be," you bird brain was considering a Mousetrap, and we have a rat menace if I were thinking like you I would have been still sculling my thumb in the cradle". The Assignee is bewildered to the extent that he starts doubting his capabilities. 

These spurts of emotional discussion making and irrational behaviours are primarily done by individuals working out of their comfort zone. Management and execution by no means is a Comfort zone is for these "Incorrigible Bosses". Their Expertise lies only in the subject that they have for years excelled.  

Inappropriate reactions, actions and behaviours are common, glorifying someone for no rhyme or reason, picking on another and literally slaughtering him in public. When the Realise that a misjudgement of the situation resulting in poor judgement or action has occurred. These "Incorrigible Bosses" shall never take it upon them. They bring to the ancient scarifies ritual to please their knowledge ego God, and a random employee at the altar is sacralised at the "Incorrigible Bosses" temple of knowledge.

Delightfully, some disdainful employees, who are not in survival biases, gather the guts and confronts the 'Incorrigible Bosses"; first they get scared very soon and retrieve into their snail shell.  But that in no way means they have given up, or have accepted defeat. "Incorrigible Bosses" come back with a bang. These high headed managers can go to the extent of canning the project, with no remorse what so ever, even it means a financial impact on their own organisation. 

How to get around these 'Incorrigible Bosses",

Well, haven found many, but the ones I did were slimy cheeky and intelligent guys. Their motto was "be a perfect yes man". Secondly, do a quick fix, or some shoddy copy-paste job to a given assignment. Then the most cheeky part put it up for discussion. The 'Incorrigible Boss" shall take ages to provide you with a time slot. By then, he would have precipitated a different version of the assignment given to you and thus shall rewrite the entire specification document himself. These employees mantra is "the bloke will redo it after all, so why to waste time and energy". 

Others who strive for excellence, and get into a discussion come to realise very soon, that it's of no use fighting with a pig, in the bargain the pig is enjoying it, while you are getting dirty". 

These worldly known soft-spoken, highly intellectual Managers, are only crippled by their pears, to the extent of mental blindness, and follow them like "marry had a little Lamb".

Effect on employees 

Medical support for Hypertension, erratic behaviours are common, some have even reported scars of emotional abuse, that as even extended and affected their families. Common fallouts are self-respect, creativity, and a full brain drain resulting fainting in meetings and hysteria in their dreams. These Employees are disabled with the fact that they are worthless and rarely try new employment. All these employees have been subjected to a sustained display of hostile verbal and non-verbal behaviours, excluding physical contact".  

Finding of Research

On the big Personality and Abusive Supervision traits, researchers say five characteristics define the management style of a Supervisors, and if that goes bad then we have what we call 'Incorrigible Bosses",

  1. Agreeableness
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Extraversion 
  4. Neuroticism
  5. Openness to experience


People with agreeableness are kind, considerate, and helpful toward others. Agreeable persons aim to keep relationships harmonious and prefer the use of compromises in dealing with conflicts. Supervisors high in agreeableness indeed create a working climate in which interpersonal fair treatment is highly valued.

More peaceful people are highly cooperative, and sociable, and are more likely to regulate their angry feelings. By contrast, low agreeable persons seem to lack concern for others' welfare and are less capable of inhibiting aggressive responses.  Abusive supervision covers various reactions, such as a supervisor ridiculing an employee in front of others and shifting the blame to save him/herself. Supervisors with low in friendliness are relatively unconcerned about the effect, their behaviour has, on the quality of relationship with their subordinates.  And definitely not concerned with the impact that it has on the subordinate as an individual. Their behaviour may be perceived as argumentative, hostile, and conflictive. Therefore, they are more likely to be abusively toward subordinates than supervisors who are higher in agreeableness."


Conscientiousness is characterised by being hardworking, persistent, neat, well-organised and goal-oriented. Several studies have highlighted its benefits in terms of, for example, increased performance. Supervisors who are high in conscientiousness tend to create a fair environment for their employees and often demonstrate ethical behaviour, suggesting that these supervisors should be less likely to be perceived as abusive. Yet, even though conscientiousness has a variety of desirable consequences, recently, studies have revealed that conscientiousness might also have a more negative side. Conscientious supervisors' strong orientation toward achieving goals might result in micro-managing employees being perceived as difficult to please. High conscientious individuals are strongly oriented toward goal-achievement; employees working for such supervisors could thus be more at risk to experience (or perceive) abusive supervision. 


Extraverts are known for being sociable and assertive and for their tendency to experience positive emotions. They are enthusiastic, seek excitement and are more likely to emerge into a supervisory position. However, a theory is less straightforward to whether they are more or less likely to turn to abusive supervision. Similarly, extraverts prefer the company of others. They tend to be friendly and warm in their interactions, making them less likely to be perceived as an abusive supervisor. Extraverts' tendency to be bold in their communication toward others, might cause employees working for an extraverted supervisor to experience his/her verbal communication as abusive. 


Neuroticism (Opposite of Emotional Stability) captures one's tendency to experience various disruptive emotions and thoughts. Supervisors who are high in neuroticism are insecure, anxious, and more susceptible to stress than their low-neurotic counterparts. They experience higher harmful affect levels, get easily irritated by others, and are more likely to turn to inappropriate coping responses, such as interpersonal hostility.  Supervisors who are high in neuroticism experience more tremendous anger, frustration, and impulsiveness compared with their low-neuroticism counterparts, and consequently, neuroticism should be positively related to abusive supervision." 

Openness to Experience

Usually, this category doesn't contribute to our 'Incorrigible Bosses". However, it is good to know. 

Openness to experience is characterised by a tendency to have an active imagination, intellectual curiosity, and the willingness to consider new ideas and try new things. As a result, individuals high in openness are more receptive to input from others. However, team members high in openness to experience are perceived to be less cooperative and friendly. 


With a society crippled between reality and display, relationships are being redefined now and then. Individuals find their safe base at work, Agreeably so, as per predictions, a century from now, organisations shall be virtual bodies that shall outsource from specialised teams to deliver. Superior and subordinate relationships shall be redefined, including working hours and knowledge levels.  Thus probably the group shall be the new family. "Incorrigible Bosses" in such situations might be the only reason for success or failure, and that shall survive or die. 


Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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