Highly Sensitive People an Introduction

Traits Of a Highly Sensitive Person

Photo Courtesy Unsplash

'Am I a highly sensitive person?' is a question more people have started asking others and themselves lately. HSP or a short form for "highly sensitive people" is now usually used as a short form to tag people in social groups and HR facilities. It's a point of debate if this kind of tagging of individuals is righteous or a fad to either attract attention or underplay someone's capabilities. Do we really understand what an HSP is? Let's ponder on this question, understand who an HSP is, and what their traits are. 

Points to Ponder

  • Am I highly sensitive?
  • The definition of 'highly sensitive people' is.
  • Do you feel more deeply?
  • Do you notice subtleties in somebody's communication?
  • Do HSP's have superpowers?
  • Is Being an HSP in 2021 tough?
  • So, are YOU highly sensitive person?

Do these dialects sound familiar? Am I highly sensitive?

  1. "Don't be so sensitive!"
  2. "Stop taking things so personal to everyone!"
  3. "You don't have to take; we're thing so personally." 
  4. "They don't mean it, even if they do just ignore it." 
  5. Is there constant humming sound in your head saying you are being used?
  6. Do you believe that your remuneration is for more than the efforts you put in?
  7. Do you easily trust people and share your most personal pains with them?
  8. Do you feel that you process experiences differently? 
  9. Do you take longer to get back to normal and start enjoying life than others?
  10. Do you believe that you can easily comprehend others discomfort, while others might not even acknowledge any such awareness? 

If you have a "Yes" to most or all of the question above, possibly you are an HSP " A highly sensitive person"?

Maybe you already know about it, and finding it inept have tried desperately to ascertain again "Am I an HSP"?

Irrespective whatever answer you have concluded, have you found pleasure in rediscovering these traits in you?

If this sounds like you, then your chances of being an HSP are definitely higher.

Who is a 'highly sensitive Person' HSP

As per - Dr Elaine Aron - PhD in clinical depth psychology, and author of the national bestseller, "The Highly Sensitive Person."

"The HSP has a sensitive nervous system, is aware of subtleties in their surroundings, and is more easily overwhelmed when in a highly stimulating environment." 

HSP is inheritable, just like blood sugar, it is transported through your parents DNA, which means you are likely to be born with it. HSP's have a brain that process information in greater details and at multiple levels compared to the brain of a person who is not that sensitive. HSP's have perceptive response simultaneously at multiple levels, their brain processes information at physical, mental, emotional, social and internal levels simultaneously, a highly complex theory to explain. A qualified medical practitioner opinion is essential to confirm that you are an HSP. Similar traits can temporarily be shown by people going through a difficult life phase, but might not be suffering from HSP.   

Identifying an HSP

First of all, being a highly sensitive person (HSP) is not a disorder, disadvantage or disease, it's just something that you are born with, like the colour of your hair, shin, your features. Identifying them is not from a perspective to be wary of them, it's more from the point of being cautious so not to have any relationship hick-ups or strains. And also, from the point of not causing them any discomfort.

Highly sensitive people usually find crowds, loud noises, harsh pitch deliveries, sound, touch, taste and smell very overwhelming and discomforting. They feel more deeply than people who were not born with this trait. The "less impulsive" individuals also called the 'the tough ones', who cannot relate to such sensitivity usually fail to understand an HSP's reaction to most situations. God forbid if somehow these two trait types end up in a relationship, it would be disastrous. As high sensitivity, people in relation to less impulsive individuals experience interactions with people differently. They encode, expression, tone, non-verbal communication and vibe that many others might not even recognize. HSP's take it all in. It would be very troubling for them to retain and walk away as if nothing happened. In case the communication found disturbing by an HSP is to be ratified by the initiator a less impulsive, all he/she would answer" What did I say." While the HSP is totally crushed with emotional assault, loading his guns to fire back, and the offender probably had no intentions at any of the levels that an HSP has processed the received information.

An HSP you cannot hurt or offend anyone, and they usually are misunderstood as people-pleasers and timid. 

  1. HSP's have superpowers!
  2. HSP's have many more beautiful traits, or as I would like to call them, superpowers and they are 
  3. HSP's are highly creative 
  4. HSP's are highly caring 
  5. HSP's are imaginative
  6. HSP's are intuitive
  7. HSP's are Great Listeners
  8. HSP's get easily Hurt 
  9. HSP's can create Magical things  
  10. HSP's are soulful and spiritual
  11. HSP's are deeply moved by art
  12. HSP's can feel others discomfort
  13. HSP's get easily overwhelmed
  14. HSP's feel for others 
  15. HSP's have a rich inner life
  16. HSP's forgive easily

As one can see, the "typical" highly sensitive person owns many wonderful characteristics that they should be proud of. I certainly am proud of my trait. The traits mentioned above might help you in answering the question 'Am I highly sensitive?'.

Being an HSP in 2020 is tough.

It can be challenging to be a highly sensitive person in the fast-moving society that we live in today. Self-absorbed, manipulative, greedy, unethical, deceptive, and other such traits define the new relationship game. Every on wears Masks; the idealistic character so well crafted on social media bring to life an unreal individual. Suddenly everything around us is getting louder, brighter, with superficial behaviour, egoism and materialism. These traits and developments are challenging for a highly sensitive person to process and emotionally relate to them. It's like an HSP is constantly in need of emotional healing.

HSP's actually get no time to recharge; therefore, it is important for an HSP, and to his close connects are aware of an HSP's traits.

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

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