Reading Transforms Lives

Read To Experience Life Transformation

Most have isolated events of hitting an article or a book, now and then. Why? The perspectives are too diverse for anyone to draw any synopsis. 

One is constantly juggling professional competitiveness and relationship complexities with the skill and knowledge that one has.  Which, if not reinforced, might not be good enough to retain one even in their current position tomorrow. Knowledge and skill need to be constantly reinforced. Specifically, when relationships today are complex and heterogeneous, the key is in identifying the emotion, thought, expectations and expressions of people around you to catharsis and bond together. 

Reading experiences and expressions from various individuals draw a sagacious perspective to manage one's own life and relationships.

Reading Expands the horizon.

We all have a specific orientation of looking at things in our lives, like relationships, people, behaviours, health, business, and the list can go on. 

Reading an article or a Book touches one or more of these aspects. Whatever we read, our brain consumes. The process of resonating with a thought gives a decisive influence on our behaviour.  

These small moments of truth could be the deal quencher in a relationship or a business. 

Reading Enhances Knowledge 

Self-improvement programs could be preceptive; however, the overall gamut is that one of the most effective ways to accumulate knowledge and intelligence is to cultivate an opinionated content reading habit. Content that is not information or fiction. The spectrum of thoughts by such reading gathered shall help generate new benefiting ideas.

Kids in high school shall relate to this instantly, the "smart kids" are not born with intelligence, but it's something that the strenuously cultivate through reading.

Improves Quality of life 

"Birds of the same feather flock together" is a famous saying. The perspective is which flock to you wish to belong. 

Knowledge gained by reading shall help you be an active participant of intellectual groups. You may soon be an essential member of a though group. These forums shall definitively give you a positive perspective on your professional and personal life.

You'll have a new orientation to your business or professional life, making you less fearful of the changes ahead, and you shall be managing your relationships in a much better way. 

Reading Makes your life Healthier and Happier.

We are apes, and what we do best is to ape. Well, it might not sound fascinating, but it is as real as it can get. 

Regimentally spend predefined evenings of the week at home with your family reading, no TV, no video games, no social media, no mindlessly goofing around. Moving entertainment to infotainment might take time but shall increases bonding, care, affection and respect, all the necessary ingredients for a healthy mind, body, and family. 

Saves money

This one is simple. All that time spent reading isn't spent shopping, going to bars, or falling prey to any of the new age aggressive, emotional marketing influencers. While it's not a benefit that I wish to give for reading, but it's always nice when you can cut your discretionary expenses down a little.

If you need to Orate or write, then Read.

It's not strange to witness monosyllable emails from professionals, and many have stage frights. In my professional career, the best orators and writers always carried a book and had subscriptions to one of the various online magazines or writing clubs. 

When you read a lot, you're exposed to many different kinds of sentences and paragraphs. Your brain absorbs all the different ways you could say or present information. The more you read, the more you give your brain to absorb. Ultimately it all translates to your expression, both written and verbal. 

A Sure cure to Insomnia 

Social media, I guess, is what people are hooked on too. At the cost of attention to near and dear ones at home, they go to bed and wake up with their social media accounts. I have someone I know who wakes up thrice every night to check (his/her) social media account. 

The Anxiety created in this virtual social engagement has pharmacies flourishing, selling hypertension drugs, as they never sold before. I have no personal Social media accounts. What my business requires is what I have, and I don't manage it. 

Pick up an article or a book and tuck yourself in. It's sure to put you into deep sweet slumber.  


Reading articles and books reinforces knowledge, which benefits health, Quality of life, social acceptance, oratory and writing skills, and professional and personal happiness with the icing of saving. 

So go ahead and start the reading habit today. The benefits are exponential; however, stick around for a year or so to see visible results. 

Jawahar Dhawan

Why Pigeonhole my writing to a genre when life’s chapters have many learning and hues.

Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn
Yap Cafe : Read | Write & Earn